Prevent dementia by creating a website

AI親父の後頭部 隠居の道楽:Dissipated
This article can be read in about 6 minutes.

Being a fan of new things, I bought a computer back in the day when it ran something like “MSDOS” even though I couldn’t use it, and I turned it into an ornament. Just when I was about to give up, Microsoft Windows 95 was released.

Somehow, I mistakenly thought that I could do a little something that I couldn’t do at all on an “MSDOS” computer!

On top of that, the Internet was becoming available for private use, and I heard whispers that you could “create something called a homepage,” so, without really understanding what it was, I jumped at the chance!

After meeting with a systems engineer at a certain major OS company, I even started a website creation business.

However, things that you can’t do yourself can’t last long, so before long I had to withdraw (*_*;

However, I was interested in the Internet and home pages, so I bought the first home page creation software hoping to somehow create a home page myself. It was not Homepage Builder, but HOTALL, made by a company called DBSoft.

This “HOTALL” seems to have been called “HOTALL Ver.5.0 for Windows 95”. I used it quite a lot, and even pretended to give lectures about it to friends and acquaintances. However, it seems to have faded out at some point in the latter half of the 20th century, when sales were discontinued and updates came to an end!

It was about 20 years ago, in this sort of situation, that I started studying “Homepage Builder” with some new friends that I had come across through some connections.

Now I have lost all contact with those friends, and I am once again isolated and helpless, tinkering with Homepage Builder.

However, I ended up switching from the hosting service company I had been using for a long time to Xserver, which I thought would have good cost performance, and while I was consulting with them about various initial settings, I learned about something called WordPress. I started up a site by copying what I saw, then temporarily closed it down, thinking “I guess it’s no good after all!”, and started up again this September, and once again I’ve been feeling confused every day(‘◇’)ゞ

It’s a site where I don’t know who will watch it, or even if no one will watch it at all, but this confusion may be a good thing for me now that I’m in my late senior years!

As you get older, it seems like it’s too late to ask someone about things you don’t understand, but if you do a search you’ll find useful websites, and if you look on YouTube there’s a ton of information available.

We live in such a convenient age, with something called AI now on the horizon, that I no longer have time to be “dumbfounded” even at my age!

I’m not sure whether it’s “the vocabulary that drives AI” or “prompts” because we live in today’s world, but the analogy of “I knew that if I did this and that, this would happen, but I did this and it turned out like this” may be an old-fashioned one, but I’m thinking that this is what these “prompts” are like. What do you think?

So, I struggle every day with my computer and smartphone, but both seem to be getting a little old and their response time is as slow as that of their owners…I find myself grumbling about this every day.