験かつぎ:Super Stitious

We say “pray to God when in trouble”, but there are some things that are beyond human understanding!

Also, when people want to make a wish come true, they may visit shrines or temples or wear amulets to pray for their wish to come true.

I would like to compile topics about such “wishing” and “good luck charms.”


Take a breath

I, an elderly person, have also been the victim of a "bank transfer scam phone call." It was a long time ago, but I was ...
験かつぎ:Super Stitious

Pure silver Victory insect netsuke

This is a pure silver "Katsumushi Netsuke". It comes with a silk cord, so you can carry it with you every day. It might ...
験かつぎ:Super Stitious


here seems to be a distinction in how we use the term “omairi” for different religious settings. It appears that we writ...
験かつぎ:Super Stitious

Hinoki victory charm (branding)

A lucky item that brings "lucky luck" or is called "Kachimushi" The pentagonal cypress wooden plaque was made by a local...

「Laughter brings good fortune」:「笑門来福」

When I was younger, I believed in "laughing it off and getting by in life," but maybe it's because as I've gotten older ...

Why dragonflies are called “Katimusi(victory insects)”

As an ancient saying goes... While there are various theories about the origin of the term "katimushi" (victorious insec...