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As mentioned below (dated 10/09), the correct romanization for “Asakusa Denno Yokocho” is “Asakusa Dennō Yokocho”. It’s actually “Gemini”, and when I checked, it seemed that the romanization was more natural as “Denno” than ” Dennō “.
As a result, the title logo has been reverted to the original “Asakusa Denno Yokocho”.

2024.09.10 (Feb)
The title of our site is “浅草電脳横丁” (Asakusa Dennō Yokocho), and it appears that the accurate Romanization is “Asakusa Dennō Yokocho.” However, since the character “ō” cannot be displayed on a standard computer keyboard, I have used the representation provided by ChatGPT.

Accordingly, I have also corrected the Taito Ward logo to “Asakusa Dennō Yokocho.”

Please note that I might occasionally write “Asakusa Denno Yokocho” by mistake. I will correct it as soon as I notice, but in the meantime, please bear with any errors. <m(__)m>

This site has been available since early September, but will be updated from time to time.